Important Updates
We’re excited to have you attend our Freestyle Festival this Saturday at The Queen Mary in Long Beach. Before the fun begins, below is some really IMORTANT INFORMATION we should remind you of:
Important Ticket Changes
If you printed out, snapshoted or saved your tickets before Monday, please retrieve your latest tickets or use the ticket link you received with your purchase. This is only for tickets purchased from LAShowTix (through Ticketstripe).
Have your tickets ready:
- Find your original ticket email and use the link inside to get your latest tickets
- Can’t find your tickets? Click here to recover your tickets – This will only work for tickets purchased from LAShowTix (through Ticketstripe).
Live Updates & Artist Performance Times
Follow us on Instagram to get live important updates & get first access when we release artist performance set-times.
Tag us @Freestyle_Festival_ to feature your story!
There will be NO ON-SITE PARKING available at the Queen Mary!
We will have non-stop shuttle service & parking avaialble at:
(Uber / Lyft drop-off will also be at the same location above)
Festival Hours
Doors Open at 12 Noon
Show Starts at 1pm
Items Allowed At Festival
YES to…
- ✔️ Good Gratitude
- ✔️ Cell phones & chargers
- ✔️ Batteries & Chargers
- ✔️ Sunglasses & Hats
- ✔️ Loose clothing & Light colors
- ✔️ Small to medium bags / purses / backpacks / fanny packs
- ✔️ Sunscreen & Moisturizer (No spray cans)
- ✔️ Cigarettes & Vapes (In designated areas only)
- ✔️ Lighters
- ✔️ Sealed / Wrapped Tampons
- ✔️ Prescription medication bottle / container (Must match your valid ID)
- ✔️ Canes / Walkers
Items Not Allowed At Festival
NO to…
- ❌ Refunds or Exchanges
- ❌ Re-entry/ Ins & Outs
- ❌ Chairs
- ❌ Blankets or Towels
- ❌ Outside Food or Beverages (Including Alcohol & Water)
- ❌ Drugs or Illegal Substances
- ❌ Backpacks or Camelbacks
- ❌ Glass Cups, Bottles or Cans
- ❌ Coolers or Wagons
- ❌ Professional Cameras / Recorders
- ❌ Any kind of Knives, Pepper Spray or Weapons

Questions? Get in touch…
Call or text: 562-755-9913
Thank You, we’ll see you this Saturday!
– Freestyle Festival Team